Quali sono le raccolte di poesie di Quasimodo?

Quali sono le raccolte di poesie di Quasimodo?
Raccolte di poesie
- Acque e terre, Firenze, Edizioni di Solaria, 1930.
- Oboe sommerso, Genova, Edizioni di Circoli, 1932.
- Odore di eucalyptus ed altri versi, Firenze, R. ...
- Erato e Apòllìon, Milano, Scheiwiller, 1936.
- Poesie, Milano, Primi Piani, 1938.
- Ed è subito sera, Milano-Verona, A. ...
- La vita non è sogno, Milano, A.
Dove è sepolto Salvatore Quasimodo?
Cimitero Monumentale, Milano, Italia Salvatore Quasimodo/Luogo di sepoltura Sergio Mastroeni davanti alla tomba di Quasimodo, nel 40° dalla morte del Poeta roccalumerese. La tomba di Salvatore Quasimodo è nel Famedio, il cuore del cimitero monumentale di Milano accanto ad Alessandro Manzoni ed altre personalità italiane.
What is Salvatore Quasimodo best known for?
- Jump to navigation Jump to search. Salvatore Quasimodo (Italian: [salvaˈtoːre kwaˈziːmodo]; Aug – J) was a Sicilian novelist and poet. In 1959 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times".
What did Quasimodo win the Nobel Prize for?
- In 1959, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his lyrical poetry, which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times". Along with Giuseppe Ungaretti and Eugenio Montale, he was one of the foremost Italian poets of the 20th century. Quasimodo was born in Modica, Sicily, to Gaetano Quasimodo and Clotilde Ragusa.
What happened to the poet Quasimodo?
- In his last years the poet made numerous voyages to Europe and America, giving public speeches and public lectures of his poems, which had been translated in several foreign languages. In June 1968, when he was in Amalfi for a discourse, Quasimodo was struck by a cerebral hemorrhage. He died a few days later in the hospital in Naples.
Where was Quasimodo born and raised?
- Quasimodo was born in Modica, Sicily, to Gaetano Quasimodo and Clotilde Ragusa.