Quando esce la nuova Dacia?

Quando esce la nuova Dacia?
Non il facelift di metà carriera, atteso tra almeno due anni, ma un restyling con qualche aggiornamento estetico e nella tecnologia, in arrivo nell'estate 2022.
Why is the Dacia Duster so cheap?
- They're built in a low-cost country, using engines and platforms and electrics that have all been long-ago amortised by other cars, and integrating the dealerships with Renault rather than starting a separate network. The Duster cleverly shares body parts across the Dacia range and the number of available options is small.
Why is the Renault Duster so popular?
- The joy of the Duster is the way it seriously over-delivers on the underpromising price. Renault has been very disciplined in keeping Dacia's costs down.
Is the Mitsubishi Duster a good off-road vehicle?
- It’s not just some cosmetic crossover. Even the 4x2 Duster retains good underbody clearance so if the surface isn’t too greasy and the tyres are well-treaded it’ll tackle fairly rugged scenery. And it’s got more space than say a Renegade or Vitara, the closest off-roadable rivals.
Is the Duster trying to kid you?
- The Duster isn't trying to kid anyone. It's not cheap in a way that insults your intelligence or makes you feel mean. It's a far better car than it needs to be at the price, and we love it for that.